As online casino players know, when engaging in a game of blackjack one of the most profitable situations players can take advantage of is the chance to double down. When a player doubles down in blackjack they’re allowed to double their bet after receiving their fist two cards. Players will then receive one card only on their hand. Most online casinos will let players double down on any two cards (double on any). Other online casinos will limit players from their doubling to hands that total ten or eleven. Doubling on any is a favorable and possible profitable rule for the player. When the online casino lets players double after splitting, it will also bring favorable chances for the player.
The basic blackjack strategy also comes into play here. With this strategy players can determine when they should double down. Doubling down may result in tremendous results because players bet when they have the best opportunity of beating the dealer and many times, this occurs when the dealer is at their weakest. When the dealer shows an up card, which can possibly cause them to bust is when the player is advised to double down. There are plenty of computer simulators that have determined the frequency that a dealer will bust based on their up card.
Players will be able to double down more successfully against two through six and the dealer will bust more times with these cards showing. Other situations will arise where players will double down with a ten against the dealer’s nine or an eleven against a dealer’s ten. However, these are some close calls and some not so experience players think twice to do this or not. Even though players will not be as successful with these plays as many times as when the dealer has a smaller card, this is still one of the best strategies to follow since in a long time investment, players will win more money by doubling in these situations than they will lose.

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Tags: blackjack games, blackjack online, blackjack strategy, blackjack tips, online blackacjk